Mariano Fortuny Marsal, Spain (acquired as a gift directly from the artist); Sold through his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, April 26, 1875, no.191; Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris - Vienna (acquired from the above); Raccolta Mazzetelli, Rome (by 1953); Trinity Fine Art, London, 1996; from whom acquired by a private collection USA
Oil on panel; signed and dated lower right ’A. Mancini 74’
106.6 x 43.8 cm, the panel
131.4 x 70.4 cm, the frame
Exhibited: Paris, Hotel Drouot, Atelier de Fortuny, 1875, no.191 (as Jeune garçon tenant une pièce de monnaie); Rome, Palazzo delle esposizioni, L’Arte nella vita del Mezzogiorno d’Italia: Mostra di arti figurative e di arti applicate dell’Italia meridionale, 1953, no.26; Naples, Florida, The Gilgore Collection, A Chisel and a Brush. Vincenzio Gemito 1852-1929, Antonio Mancini 1852-1930, From the Gilgore Collection Italian Art 1850- 1925, 2000, no.18; Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Antonio Mancini: Nineteenth-Century Italian Master, October 20, 2007-January 20, 2008, no.6